CollabOasis Clinical Consultation Groups

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Is This Field Right for Me?

Therapists continue to spiral in overwhelm…
too many clients,
openings but not getting referrals due to limited networking capabilities,
huge issues with progress note writing,
compassion fatigue,
self-doubt, etc.
Along with that, I am hearing many therapists questioning if this field is right for them these days.
This is fairly typical for newish therapists facing overwhelm, but y’all, this is happening with more and more of us…even seasoned clinicians.
So what to do?
1. Take a breath and allow yourself to lean into the feeling. It’s ok that it’s there.
2. Give yourself some time off if possible. If you cannot afford that, there are alternatives to taking a full break from clients. Hear more about that in this video (jump to 4:18 in the video).
3. Reach out to peers who know you and can help you talk through your options.
4. Take a look at how you are caring for yourself.
5. Take a bird’s eye view of your life to see if there are other areas that are overly taxing.
6. Assess your budget. Are there places you can trim back to allow for a lower caseload.
7. Think about your passions. Are there ways you can leverage your clinical skills to work in a different way?
8. Understand that ‘passive income’ is mostly a myth. Branching out in new ways will take time and effort. Effort with a different focus may feel more expansive, however, so shifting your efforts might be a relief.
Please know you are not alone in this.
You have colleagues who are also struggling who can understand how the pandemic is impacting you in a way that those not in our professional do not.
Be kind to yourself.
Get support.
Your clients need you to be ok but YOU need you to be ok as well!
If you are looking for support in the form of peer consultation, now is a great time to reach out to me. I have a few openings in our small groups and would love to chat with you about what you are looking for.