CollabOasis Clinical Consultation Groups

Why A Peer Group


So many therapists working in private practice are finding the joys of owning their own business.

Nothing beats being your own boss...

Am I right??

Are you looking for more personal peer interaction in your private practice work? With generous, non-judgmental therapists who want to help each other grow personally and professionally?

Therapists who desire to nurture their work/life balance with confidence and connection so they can care for themselves the way they care for their clients?

Join CollabOasis Today!

Connect with your Peers

Therapists are “people” people. We enjoy connecting with others who share our goals and values, learning from colleagues, and getting the support that only other therapists can provide. At the end of a long day, or when you are struggling with an “oh crap” case or a case that is high risk, the consultation and understanding you get from colleagues is priceless. If you are working in an online or solo private practice, you understand the value of regular peer support from colleagues you know, trust and enjoy.

My own experience working as a solo practitioner revealed to me exactly how lonely and isolating this type of work can be. Knowing there were so many other therapists out there facing similar challenges, I created a program to help licensed therapists get connected with a curated group of peers in a safe community.

Facilitated Groups of 6-8

Knowing there were so many other therapists out there facing similar challenges, I created a program to help licensed therapists get connected with a curated group of peers in a safe community. 

Members of the CollabOasis Therapist Community are assigned to a peer consultation group formed especially for you. I personally interview each member to determine your clinical needs, areas of interest and preferences for your group.

These are closed groups of 6-8 clinicians who commit to meet twice a month for a minimum of 6 months. I facilitate each group and provide training and resources specific to presenting cases and documenting the consultations you receive. It includes my Peace of Mind packet to make sure you’ve covered all of the things for your difficult cases. And to create a wrap-around community, we have a members-only Facebook group with monthly social wellness events and periodic trainings.

Small Group Consultation with Trainings and Happy Hours

Nothing beats meeting regularly with a small group of peers who value professional collaboration in a small group setting. Each CollabOasis group consists of fully licensed therapists who meet virtually twice a month. Each member has an onboarding chat with Jeanene which includes discussing the culture of support and benevolence that underlies our community, group rules, how to request time during meetings, and how to get the most out of the consultation you receive.

Join CollabOasis Today!

If you are looking for safe, trustworthy case consultation, I would love to chat with you about your needs. During our Discovery chat, we will discuss your practice, areas of need for getting peer consultation and I will answer any questions you may have about the CollabOasis Consultation Groups I offer. You can schedule a chat here:

This community IS for you if:

This community IS NOT for you if:

What Our Members Have to Say

They are super strong peer consultation groups with a framework and a format. Whenever I’m struggling, that’s where I go. And I can trust that they can hold the gray and nuance of psychotherapy, and they’re not going to fear monger me and they’re not going to placate me. They are going to help me.

Dr. Amber Lyda

I love having a group of therapists that I know won't judge me when I ask questions about difficult cases. They are supportive and help me view cases from different perspectives. I also love the support I get surrounding my business and growth.

Dr. Morgan Levy

CollabOasis is an amazing community of supportive, knowledgeable, and caring therapists. I love how Jeanene provides us with a safe, open, nonjudgmental space to share our challenges as therapists and business owners, get feedback on tough cases, and support and celebrate each other through all the ups and downs. In addition to the group space she also provides social hours, trainings, and encourages us to connect with each other as needed creating a community of trust and consistency during a time when it is so easy to feel isolated and alone. I am so very appreciative of Jeanene and all of the amazing CollabOasis members!!

Lisa Sells, LPC

I really love having CollabOasis community which is always there with helpful specific information, caring support, affirmations, and a variety of approaches that I can consider for my clients. In one hour I can learn more information than in hours of searching the web, which saves me a tremendous amount of time and effort. Even when I don't have a question, other group members bring up questions about the therapy practice or the therapeutic interventions that in discussion reveal information I wouldn't have even known is crucial for my practice.

Elena Glass, LPC

What’s Included?

Members of our community get 2 small group sessions per month and access to the exclusive members-only FB community along with professional and social-wellness events. Your community access pass is $197 per month with a minimum commitment of 6 months. This fee will be locked-in forever, as long as you remain enrolled. 

If you are a clinician in your first year of private practice, you can get the first 6 months for $97 per month and you get full membership privileges

Join CollabOasis Today!

What Makes CollabOasis Groups Different?

You’ve probably been in a therapists FB group and observed something like this: “I want to find some colleagues to consult with, anyone want to join me in some peer consultation?” This is usually followed by many, many, many comments which include “Sign me up! Here’s my email address”.

I love to see therapists taking the initiative to find peer support. I hope that the authors of those posts are able to make some connections and build a community.

But here’s the thing…

What type of parameters and safe-guards have they put into place to ensure all participating members are licensed therapists, that there is a consent process to protect everyone, that there are rules and expectations about how group members will interact, etc.

You see my point?

The CollabOasis Therapist Community small groups were designed following a lot of research to determine best practices and to make sure all members can participate safely, ethically and responsibly.

Fostering an environment that is safe and respectful is of the utmost importance so members can feel safe to get the support they need. Members meet with the same clinicians which allows that trust and respect to be established.

Download the FREE

workbook to Assess 4 Key Areas of Support for Your Private Practice

How do the CollabOasis Therapist Community groups do that?

Each new member has a personal on-boarding chat with me to make sure they will be a good fit for group work.

I verify their license, check their photo ID, have them sign a consent form, and make sure everyone is aware of the group rules.

We also have a chat about the group culture – which is come with a perspective of benevolence with the goal of supporting each other and growing together both clinically and as business owners

I also facilitate each group to make sure time is being divided fairly with emergent case consults getting top priority, to track time, and moderate if necessary during any discussions.

I provide a secure platform with everything setup so you only need to show up and participate.

Another aspect of Oasis groups is the cultivation of a wrap-around community.

I share contact info for each member with their group and encourage outside of group contact and connection.

Sometimes, after a hard day, you need to be able to reach out to a colleague who can support you and cheer you on

Join CollabOasis Today!